Athletes WORLDWIDE are Dieing From ''Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'' AKA Covid Vaccine Side Effect

2 years ago

Athletes WORLDWIDE are Dieing From ''Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'' AKA Covid Vaccine Side Effects... that can develop in just about anyone whom got the shots and has the Liquid Nano Particles forming clots inside them taking from 1 Hour to 2-3 years to develop enough to cause the clotting needed to stop blood flow...To all who got the shot I advise figuring out how to clean your blood and for sure I'd be getting D Dymer tests to check the levels of clotting in your system...We wish you the best and will pray you are a chosen Bloodline or type that isn't effected no matter what these Evil Bastards are up to.....We Must NEVER FORGET WHEN THIS HAPPENED....AND TO WHO....KEEP THEM AWAY FROM OUR KIDS !!! Make "THEM" Identify Themselves & Their Supporters PLEASE GOD ....The Death Toll Tallys as we speak, with Assistance from Financial & Power Driven Psychos Whom Lie to the masses and Commit crimes against humanity by hiding evidence of testing and lab reports - its pre-planned pre-meditated attempted Murder and Felony Murder By Medical Mandated Vaccination that caused Genocide against mostly the middle and lower classes...Violating The Nuremberg Code By the Improper Representation of Information and Informed Consent... THEY MUST BE STOPPED...The Book Covid-19 & The Great Reset By Klaus Schwab Basically Says what happened and is happening with Covid..And Bill Gates ...Mr Fortune Teller...Knew and Bought into the Vaxx and is in on this Too ....IN A MAJOR WAY

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