Matt Walsh's Insane Crusade Against New Little Mermaid Movie Continues

2 years ago

It's incredibly pathetic how important this subject is to the right. Matt Walsh twists himself in logic pretzels to justify hating on the new Disney live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid because they cast a black actress to play Ariel.

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Fundamentalist Matt Walsh is at it again. No not this time and been in trafficking in transphobia. No not this time in tracking trafficking and misogyny. When you're on the Daily Wire you've got to hit the trifecta and here it is again. And this is as old as time ladies and gentlemen. Here is Matt Walsh's opening on the way that films get made. and complaining that mythical creatures they're only supposed to be one race. All right Max Winter says a black actor playing the little mermaid really is a case of white erasure. All forms of art including fairy tales are meant to be reflections of the author's experiences and observations. hans Christian Andersen probably based a little more basic for one second that's not true. no. no. That's not true. they just had that first sort of assumption that he's starting off like that that wasn't viewers. but yeah yeah. I mean in fact, it's almost well. I don't want to say that's never true. but one of the things in which you tell stories and create particularly fantastical stories right? because I got news for you Hans Christian Anderson was not half fish. he also was not a half-female fish. so the idea that its white erasure is just absurd. but of course, they're trying to adopt the language I guess if you know social justice in some fashion. but let's just go back. so just everybody should know that the first premise is just total [ __ ]. Also, we just talked about this but like the crab guy or whatever he has a Jamaican accent in the cartoon one so we shouldn't have a wall and would have had a big problem with that. because I don't think Hans Christian Anderson wrote that into the no 30s version. well, what he did write is the fact that this apparently little mermaid was a metaphor for unrequited love for another man. because that's fascinating. I mean so it doesn't come into that does not come into context i mean prior wrote this up and I'll check it out as the clip plays. but like yeah that is something that of course matt Walsh's audience doesn't think about. but you see their mindset is right white erasure. this is the kind of white supremacist garbage that he's peddling in. and they you know eat it up.

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