Looking for Rainbows and Cupcakes? Do NOT watch this. Read Description.

2 years ago

#SecondLife #reaction #comment
If you can afford Premium Plus membership, then go for it. If you can't don't feel pressured that you have too. Just because someone upgrades to PP doesn't mean it has to be 'on trend'.
Everyone's money situation is different. Everyone uses SL differently. The true question is at the end of the year, who has actually kept paying 249 USD (plus local and state taxes). Will it still be worth it? That is the true reality. Only time will tell. If you are a returning resident, heavily consider as to why you left in the first place.


It's all happening here:

It's Free!🆓
I don't recommend using the Linden Labs release client. The UI is not friendly.
Use the Firestorm viewer instead:
🔗http://www.firestormviewer.org/join-secondlife/ 🆓
Second Life® and Linden Lab® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement is intended.

Links and Slurls to what I have mentioned in-world:
Join the in-world group using the link below.
For my background music, I use Pretzel, the royalty free music app for live streamers. My affiliate link is below, by using my link to subscribe to Pretzel Rocks, you'll get a 20% off discount!
Rez date in-world: 2/10/2006
My marketplace listing on the MP:
🔗 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/68730
In-world Shop Slurl:
🔗 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Urqhart/151/162/2018

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