How can I make $150 with CPA affiliate in a day?

2 years ago

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What is CPA Marketing?

CPA marketing, also known as cost-per-action marketing, is a style of the affiliate
marketing model that offers commission to the affiliate when a specific action is completed.
The lead action can be anything from making a purchase to getting a quote, watching a video, or filling out a form.
The truth is that, most times it's not easy earning quite an amount of money with CPA marketing,
but results can be typical to those running serious paid advertisement promoting CPA offers.
I have seen and tested both free and paid promotions with CPA marketing.

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It is not to say you can’t possibly be making such money with the free traffic method,
it’ll require strict consistency and discipline to reach there.
Imagine promoting offers that pay an average of $1 (Tier 1 countries) to get over 150
people to take action on your offers to scoop $150.
You need to understand certain strategies to implement to get that kind of result. These strategies are;
Selecting the best converting offer at the moment from the CPA network you are using (Hopefully it has a $1 or more payout).
Make sure the offer you are promoting is a SOI (Single Opt In), it should convert on a single click of the button.
This can either be email submit, pin submit, or postal code submit, else you’ll be wasting people’s time.
Creating a “Bridge Page” which is a Landing Page specifically for that purpose.
Remember that you can’t use direct linking to your CPA offers, I know quite some CPA platforms that frown at that.
Getting the required traffic can be daunting. You can decide to use free traffic which takes time but can be effective as well.
Paid traffic is always faster and gives you the right audience for conversion.
I will be talked a lot about my free traffic strategies on this channel that I’ve seen tremendous results on my channel.
Selecting the best CPA network can be challenging.
You can try a handful of them like CPAGrip, CPABuild, CPALead, OGAds, and their likes.
(These are the ones I’m currently using) Get some of the links below.
Be consistent!! Consistency is what brings results.
Find attractive free contents online and find hungry “People” and use the ‘Content Locking’ feature with CPA Platforms
and content-lock the free stuff and give it out for free.
When they want access, they complete a CPA offer and you make money.
Follow these strategies and you’ll be well on your way to making up to $150 a day promoting CPA offers.
Believe me, consistency is always the key.
Piece of advice; Choose a specific offer that is converting and consistently promote it
and Avoid gathering so many CPA Offers else you’ll get so overwhelmed and crash.
Its that simple, I know from experience.
Click the first in the description below get my personal affiliate offs that give $500 daily.
Thanks for watching, hope to see you again but don't live without following me and please share this video with your friends.

Also, if you want my number one affiliate program is making me 1000s of $ every month then click the link

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