NEW WORLD ORDER: EXPLAINED | 1 World Economy, 1 World Gov, 1 World Religion. Past Present Future

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Folks, the New World Order is REAL. Vocal proponents include several American presidents, the massively powerful World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the UN and more, who all openly acknowledge its reality. The propagandists at Wikipedia are no longer fooling anyone, because this thing is real and it is here.

The New Age movement and the political New World Order proponents claim that humanity is moving into a New Age of World Peace, which can only be established with a one world government. This idea is nothing new in circles of the New age pantheistic religions, as well as the Occult, however they have always referred to it as the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is allegedly a transition into a new era of global peace, joy and harmony among the citizens of the world. This new age utopia includes the formation of a new religion, which we will cover in this video. But for now, I will say that the new age religion is best described as spiritual humanism because it involves the creation of a spiritual system that does not worship the God of the Bible. Instead, the 'god' of the new age spiritual movement is Lucifer. This new one world religion preaches tolerance. And it is tolerant of every religion except Christianity. This video explains why that is and why every Christian needs to know about the not-so-secret agenda of the peace movement. This is compulsory viewing for any serious-minded Christian who seeks to understand what is really happening behind the scenes. Although this documentary was made in 2014, I believe you will find that it’s claims are even more relevant today than they were then, and the prophetic nature of it, being 6 years prior to Covid and the infamous great reset, lend great validity to its claims.

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