The Global Federal Task&Force

2 years ago

Greetings fact finders, We the task&force, are still currently interviewing for Champions to come and join us in our fight to end STATE-CHILD-TRAFFICKING, thanks to the "champions" sponsoring this cause, Global- Chief-Judge -Mark has successfully shut down "Travistock" Transgender children's clinic, [big thanks to Mark writing to the Queen and Charles Demanding it ends now,] they can no longer perform any surgery or give any “pubic blockers” "dangerous drugs" for anyone under age. We are now working to shut down the family courts worldwide, and their expert report writers who take many children into harms way, to make them into big Pharma customers through mental, sexual and physical abuse, without this process, mental health would be non existent, big Pharma would make no money! This is what we are here to do, end all Wickedness, and help clean the swamp!

We are calling for all the people who want to stand up and really make a change in this world. Real champions who can stand up with no fear and state they support this change to end state child trafficking!

If this is something you would like to help us with, we are interviewing for Champions every Thursday, Please contact Global- Federal- Postal- Judge :Mark- kishon :Christopher. at "subject matter" Who is God & Task&force Champions. This will let the judge know that you are enquiring on this important task. It has been mentioned by many spiritual channellers that it would be the people that clean up the last of the swamp! Goodbye Tavistock and No more mutation to our children. With your help we can crush/end/stop any further wicked Agendas. Once we have 500 Champions we can hold our own elections and turn our backs on governments. govern-lies! Governing the lies of the Speak-lies Parlia-ment! This is the way to over run the wicked and end their raine-of-terror.
Together we can kill the darkness with the light we hold and combine, the future is our children's lets make it a beautiful world for theirs to come!
Love, light & Justice for all. Love from the peoples Task&Force.
Captains :Matthew & :Janine.

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