17 09 2022 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Part 9 of 10

2 years ago

Display image of when vic pol truck drove into Freedom Rally Protester.

vic pol truck driving VERY CLOSE behind Freedom Rally Protesters down Swanston Street, including 2 vic pol cars.
Freedom Rally Protesters march down Swanston Street and then march up Burke Street.

vic pol truck gets even closer to Freedom Rally Protesters.

vic pol truck drives centremeters behind Protesters to the point that if a Freedom Rally Protester were to stop walking or tripped and fall over then they would immediately get hit and / or run over by vic pol truck.

Protesters repeatedly asked the various vic pol officers ( 6 in total who were walking with them ) and the truck driver for the truck to back off a bit and to give some space between the Freedom Rally Protesters marching up Burke Street and the vic pol truck.
No response.
Freedom Rally Protester also asked for the supervisor boss of vic pol to asked of them again ( who was already there apart of the 6 vic pol officers the request had repeatedly been made to ) to have space between them and the vic pol truck incase someone gets hit by the vic pol truck, and for the safety of the Freedom Rally Protesters.

vic pol truck still less than 10 centremeter away from Freedom Rally Protesters.
Yes, that close.

vic pol boss supervisor 26333 declined their request and said,
"No we can't I've got to keep push my men because we moving people up - yeah I know - but we need to keep moving people up".

While the Freedom Rally Protesters were continually asking for space between the vic pol truck and them - and being denied by vic pol - the vic pol truck drives directly into and collides with a Freedom Rally Protester.

Seconds later the vic pol truck again drives into the same Freedom Rally Protester and their Drum a few more times at the one location.

Instantly and immediately after the vic pol truck drove into A Freedom Rally Protester, vic pol boss supervisor 26333 physically holds onto the Freedom Rally Protest Man who was hit by the vic pol truck and trys to keep him moving up Burke Street directly infront of the vic pol truck and states that it is to "protect their members".
They did NOT check or ask to see if he was alright or injured or where he got hit etc. Only that he had to keep moving up infront of the vic pol truck and 26333 repeating they "trying to protect their members".
supervisor boss of vic pol 26333 continued pushing and gesturing the various other Freedom Rally Protesters up Burke Street that were already directly infront of the vic pol truck at that time and repeating that it is to "protect their members".
Yes you read right.

According to vic pol - That is why you have to march directly infront of the vic pol truck and get hit by vic pol truck is in order to protect the vic pol members, because they need to keep moving people up, and this is how they do it.

vic pol safety officer - j. doyle sergeant - was also apart of the 6 officers there and aware of all this during this time and said and done absolutely nothing.

All 6 vic pol officers who were there at the time did absolutely nothing to protect the safety or well being of any of the protesters.
Nor were they concerned about the Freedom Rally Protester Man that was hit by vic pol truck.
The only focus of 26333 was that people keep moving up, whether they were hit by the vic pol truck or not.

vic pol truck did not stop moving.

Failure to stop at a scene of a crash.
Failure to stop and render assistance at a scene of a crash / accident / incident.
Failure to stop and provide their details.
Failure to provide sufficient space between their vehicle and those infront of their vehicle.
Failure to ensure a safe public area.
Failure to ensure public safety.
Failure to ensure safety of Freedom Rally Protesters.
Deserting a scene of a crash without providing their details.
Reckless driving.
Reckless driving on tram tracks.
Reckless driving on public roadways.
Reckless driving endangering life.
Reckless driving endangering the public.
Reckless driving endangering private property.
Reckless driving causing crash into private property.
Reckless driving causing crash into members of the public.
Reckless driving into a protest.
Reckless driving potentially causing bodily harm.
Reckless driving potentially causing damage to private property.
Truck continues to drive forward.
Truck did not stop moving.
Truck drove away at the very next intersection.

vic pol officers that were there at that time are the following. ( in no particular order ).
j.doyle sergeant

Truck license plate number.
MCR 049

2 vic pol cars earlier on license plate numbers.

As the Freedom Rally Protesters and the vic pol were going up Burke Street towards treason house / parliament house, as they crossed Exhibition Street, the vic pol truck went away and the remaining vic pol officers went up Burke Street with them.
There was no vic pol cars or trucks or bikes or officers ( absolutely nothing ) at the Burke Street & Exhibition Street intersection - nor anywhere around that intersection.

There was still Freedom Rally Protesters on Burke Street marching up towards treason house / parliament house who had not yet reached Exhibition Street & Burke Street intersection.
They had ZERO vic pol officers anywhere there - and were fully exposed to the traffic cars on Burke Street & Exhibition Street.
Cars were freely able to turn into Burke Street from Exhibition Street to meet up where the Freedom Rally Protesters were.

All the vic pol officers in cars and bikes and on foot were all up towards the Burke Street & Spring Street intersection.

Freedom Protest Rally people had to make their own way through the oncoming traffic on Burke Street & across Exhibition Street and up the remainder of Burke Street to treason house / parliament house.

Cars started to drive up / turn into Burke Street directly into where the Freedom Rally Protesters were without any vic pol barrier between them and oncoming traffic.

Two members of the public / Freedom Protest Rally people for a short time had to take on the roll of traffic control officers to try and prevent some cars and other vehicles driving up Burke Street from the Burke Street & Exhibition Street intersection directly into the Freedom Protest March at the Burke Street & Spring Street intersection.

Finally after turning away some vehicles and after a few minutes had already past 2 vic pol officers on push bike came down from near Burke Street & Spring Street Intersection to block the Burke Street entrance at Exhibition Street. ( took them long enough ).

The 2 vic pol officers on push bikes were ( in no particular order ).

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