Newsmax Has Surprising Interview With Union Railroad Worker

2 years ago

In a surprisingly welcome departure from mainstream media, Newsmax interviewed one of the union railroad workers about the possible upcoming strike.

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We have a Newsmax clip that's a late entry. and it's them talking about the rail strike here. and yeah we can just watch this. this is and I will say I think I don't know if it was I'll look up who said this. but someone on Twitter pointed out that that's where the camera just came on. someone pointed out that this is the first sort of mainstream media interview with an actual worker during this entire thing. like CNN none of those folks do right any of that. well, they did do six minutes on hunter Biden's laptop not having anything on it that right so connected to joe Biden. exactly how they emphasized that. Here's Newsmax. I mean shout out to whoever whatever producer lines this up but talking to railroad worker David manning. David, we did reach out to the association of American railroads and they say that workers get sick days and paid time off. but what I want to talk to you about is what this means for Americans if you do go on strike. Well, whoever told you we get six-day off is manipulating the data. we get paid time off that we earned the previous year before. Before the new policy came about we were allowed to take five days off and two weekend days off a month. Now we could take virtually one day unpaid off a month. and then the only other time we could take off is our paid time that we had to earn the previous year. yeah, that does seem ridiculous. they would never let airline pilots do that. is that an issue is that issue number one for members. 100 is number one. and if we go on strike yes it could hurt the economy. it could be bad for society. but we don't want to do that. None of us want to do that. well, and I know amtrak is already suspended.

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