Planned Chaos – Race: Divide & Conquer

2 years ago

In this episode from the “Planned Chaos” series from Prepare For Change we examine how the race issue is a pre-planned issue used by the cabal to create chaos and put stress on society. This year, the stress comes amidst the backdrop of the outbreak – also used for gain out of chaos.

We chart the history of civil unrest through the similar social justice warriors like the Weathermen, Antifascists of Nazi Germany, the current reappearing of Antifa and the correlation to Black Lives Matter. There’s a logical explanation to why all the events of the year are happening all at once and this is the overall focus of our Planned Chaos series.

We’ve also begun releasing corresponding disclosure articles on that will provide great detail in a top-level approach that will reveal very obscure facts and connect all of the current events to each other. The topics will continue with a PFC unique focus on the coordinated race riots, arsonists, and eco-terrorists, and how they are all a distraction aimed at getting back cabal control through the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections.

The articles will shift gears slightly and go into showing how the swamp is being drained, spotlight who financially benefits, to the role of Kew and the spiritual battle often overlooked and culminates with a dive into the dark forces that drive the planner's agenda.

This will be a must-watch video series and group of articles for the Prepare for Change audience, but also aims to bridge the gap to reach many of those who are caught up in the confusion of the planned chaos and are simply wondering what is going on this year!

There will be vital information regarding the reason behind the planned chaos that we’re seeing right now being perpetrated by the cabal as the U.S. election season approaches a pivotal crescendo.

The information in this release has been culled by the Prepare for Change team, volunteers, and researchers around the world. It includes information you won’t get all in one place from anywhere else.

What drives their madness? What are they trying to achieve? How does it all tie together? How does it tie into the battle between good and evil? We will answer these questions and show how is there a covert war that’s busting out to the surface.

The intention of the series is to build upon the work of disclosure presenters Janet Ossenbaard, Mike Smith, Mikki Willis, Charlie Freak, and many other presenters who’ve recently found their channels and social outlets removed. This series doesn’t cover the same ground but will complement it and focus on questions that don’t have “pat” answers and information that the cabal are desperately trying to censor. It aims to reveal the play of the dark side and urge the banding together of the light to create planetary liberation once and for all.

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