Conditional sentences type 3

2 years ago

NOTE: You may compare this video lesson with two others as follows:

Conditional Sentences - Type 1

Conditional Sentences - Type 2

OBS.: Você pode comparar esta videoaula com duas outras como segue:

Conditional Sentences - Type 1

Conditional Sentences - Type 2

Quiz time

Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Complete com a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.

1.If the weather _____________(to be) nice, they______________ (to play) football.

Se o tempo estivesse bom, eles teriam jogado futebol.

2.If the boy ____________(to take) the bus, he ____________(to arrive) on time. Se o menino tivesse pegado o ônibus, ele teria chegado na hora.

3. If the teacher _____________ (to explain) the homework, I ______________ (to do) it. Se o professor tivesse explicado o dever de casa, eu o teria feito.

4. If she _____________(to wait) for another 10 minutes, she ______________(to see) the pop star. Se ela tivesse esperado por mais 10 minutos, teria visto o astro pop.

5. If the police_____________(to come) earlier, they ______________ (to arrest) the burglar Se a polícia tivesse vindo mais cedo, teriam prendido o ladrão.

6. If he _____________ (to speak) more slowy, Peggy ______________ (to understand) him. Se ele tivesse falado mais devagar, Peggy o teria entendido.

7. If you _____________(to take) the quiz, you ______________(to practice) your

English. Se você tivesse respondido o quiz, teria praticado seu inglês.

Music: Closer ( by FUGUE )
Musician: Marco Lazovic

Music: Views
Musician: @iksonmusic

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