Steve Bannon: The Most Important Midterms In The History Of Our Nation - The Alicia Powe Show

2 years ago

We're in the middle, or at the start of World War Three.

And let's recap on how we've gotten here. I mean, at least in distant memory of the last 5-10 years, so we go back to the election of 2015 2016.

And you see that the Democratic Party, they created this whole Russia narrative and their server was leaked, and Seth Rich happened to, which we still never got to the bottom of and then there was a constant impeachment that we saw, he was trying to build a wall. We saw the all the obstruction there from Democrats, because God forbid, we secure our southern border where there's terrorists and drug addicts, rapists, killers and murderers sweeping through every day attacking American citizens.

And so then what happens after that? They have a COVID 1984 mRNA technology equipped bioweapon in the works, that they're going to unleash on the American people.

And after that, if you protest the stolen election, which that COVID pandemic hoax bio weapon, allowed them this facilitated them to steal with mail in ballots, then you're a criminal, you are going to be sitting in DC jail in solitary confinement for protesting.

And of course, Steve Bannon is also a target of just that anyone that stands for patriotism in America as a whole world's trying to destroy this country is at risk of being targeted, jailed, bankrupt, and we're joined today with Steve Bannon

Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia’s work is featured on numerous outlets including the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, World Net Daily, Townhall and Media Research Center, where she exposes fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma and public corruption. She brings her brand of truth to RVM in a new weekly show.

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