TBBOL: Your Colorful Consciousness-VIOLET #7

2 years ago

Welcome To The Building Blocks Of Life! I Am Ya Boi Tehuti Trismegistus, and This Bushel Of Our Branch Is All About Your Colorful Consciousness.

As The Space That Build Mercury From Nothing, I Get Called Away From My Simulation To Communicate In Ways That Build Structures. These Structures Are What Most Call "Astrology" Or "Religion" Or "Nature." So, My Mission From Mercury Is To Share With You My Hermetic Wisdom So You Can Be Aware Of The Subconscious Significance Behind Every Feeling You Can Experience.

Your Consciousness Is What Your Spiritual Space Has Created So It Can Breathe Life Into It's Circumstances. Without a Consciousness To Create With, A Spirit Literally Has No-Thing.

Thus, Everything Is Light Space Creates To Feel "Fulfilled"

Whatever Light "Fulfills" You, Is An Expression Of Your Ego. What You Want To See and Have In Your Space.

Your Soul Is What Gives Your Ego, Your Chosen Light, MEANING. Without A Soul, You Can't Vibe With Any Light Inside Or Outside Of Yourself.

Hence, Why The Ego and Soul Need Each Other In Order To Create A Consciousness That Can Mentally Manifest The Imagination Of The Spiritual Observer.

The Soul Is The Vibration That Brings The Egotistic Light To Life, and Because Emotion is Vibration, The Emotion A Spirit Is In Will Dictate The Colors They Resonate Enough With Internally To Express Themselves Externally.

This Is Why Each Color Means Something, And Nature Is Infinitely Colorful. So If You Want To Learn How Our Consciousness Uses Light To Create The Structures We Connect On, Welcome To Always Ascending Academy.


Violet Represents The #7. Your Separately Severing Consciousness

Violet Shows Us That Every Form Of Consciousness Is Spiritually Separate From Every Other Form Of Consciousness, Because Every Space Has It's Own Mind Before Agreeing With Other Minds

Violet Is The Color That Manifests From An Individual Spirit Separating How It Has Sexy Six From Spirits Outside Of Its Own Space

Violet Shows Us That Spirits Use Their Consciousness To Separate How They Create Sexual Simulations From Other Spirits

Violet can be Violent

Violet can be Violent because Violence Is What Forms Of Consciousness Use To Separate Their Simulated Situations From Other Forms Of Consciousness

This is why "White" people (European Cultures) use violence to separate their consciousness from "Black" people (Indigenous Cultures)

White people Feel Like Practicing Violence makes their Violet Consciousness A Higher Frequency than the Black People Who Practice Peace

This is why the Religious Banking System believes Yahweh gave them permission to enslave, cannibalize, & r8pe Native Americans while lying about it.

Light Supremacist Governments believe that sacrificing Jesus justifies the genocide they profit off of systemically spreading into what we are taught to call "The New World Order"

This is why Masons use the Marvel Universe to normalize Systemic Genocide, Monetary Slavery, & Governmentally Organized Crime. Same For The Holy Bible.

Both The Holy Bible and The Marvel Universe Is All About Using Violence To Make The Violet Consciousness of Jewish People Appear Higher Than The Consciousness of Indigenous People

Funnily Enough, The Only Things That White People Can Use To Express Their Separate Consciousness Are The Things That Black People Let Them Steal From Us

Every Story In The Bible Historically Features "Black" People

The "White" People Who Created English/Latin Are Simply Whitewashing the History of Indigenous People (Asian Indians) in the East and Using It To Enslave Indigenous People (Americans Indians) In The West

The Entire Marvel/DC Universe Is Simply All Of The Ideas That Masons Stole From Us Indigenous Cultures Being Treated Like The Stories In The Bible

Both The Holy Bible and The Marvel Universe are created by Masons who are Weaponizing Indigenous Truths to Sell European Lies

Enoch The Metatron Star Is Stolen From Mercury

Jesus/Doctor Strange/Super-Man Is Stolen From Ahura Zarathustra Mazda

Spider-Man Is Stolen From Quetzalcoatl

Black-Panther Is Stolen From Tehuti Trismegistus

Flash/Sonic/Quicksilver Is Stolen From Hermes Trismegistus

Odin Is Stolen From Woden

If You Would Like To Learn How Spaces Create The Structures We Use To Experience Life At Chaseyourgenes.com

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