Know Thy Enemy - Media Created Narratives & Curruption..But Who Instructs Them ???

2 years ago

-[[ Anonymous ]]- Know Thy Enemy... The Media Manipulates content to fit it's owners Narratives...But Who Tells "The News" what to say & How ???.....use of the Media to Run Narratives and bash competition when it comes to major issues causes a planned triggering of the viewers...and controls peoples views because of their coverage area and practices of mind control by the constant repetition of the narratives...they can cheat in elections and make people take experimental drugs by the misuse of the media...the MEDIA IS OWNED BY A MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATIC ONE SIDED individuals who have vested interest to run the narratives or their owners will can them...we live in a currupt environment when it comes to our NEWS in this country...its a pre-determined narrative delivery mostly...not current NEWS.... Alot of the News...Is A CONSPIRACY THEORY...According to "Them" until they get busted for lying...AGAIN&AGAIN&AGAIN....

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