20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 85)

2 years ago

0:00 - Intro
1. 1:00 {Is Loan Forgiveness Moral or Immoral?} Is it biblical for a Christian to file for student loan forgiveness? I attended college in my 20s and racked up 20k in student loans. The balance is currently at 16k. Biden's student loan forgiveness plan would really help, but would I be "taking the easy way out" when I'm able-bodied to pay off the remainder over time myself? Would it be selfish and irresponsible, or a blessing, to accept the aid?
2. 20:18 {Does God Not Knowing a Soul Mean They Never Loved Him?} Through 1 Corinthians 8:3, we know that whoever loves God is known by Him. Thus, would you agree that Jesus saying “I never knew you” in Matthew 7 is the equivalent of Him saying “You never loved Me”?
3. 24:54 {About the Patriarchs’ Ages in Genesis} Were the biological ages of the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah congruent with their chronological ages? At 900 years old, were they biologically 90? How long do you think they spent in childhood?
4. 28:53 {Was Sacrificing to Molech Similar to Abortion?} Was Molech child sacrifice similar to abortion in that a key purpose was to get rid of unwanted babies born (most often) of sexual sin? Ezekiel 16: 20-21(NKJV) clearly links the practice to fornication.
5. 32:57 {How Much Should we Desire Marriage?} How fervently should I pray for the possibility of marriage being included in God’s will for my life? It has always felt pointless considering that it's likely God may not ever give it in my life.
6. 37:15 {How Will Jesus Reconcile All Things in Heaven?} In Colossians 1: 20, Paul says that Jesus reconciles all things to Himself, both in Heaven and on Earth. What does it mean for Jesus to reconcile all things in Heaven?
7. 40:12 {Am I Called to Global Missions?} Is Matthew 28: 18-20 a calling for all Christians to leave their respective countries to share the Gospel, or just some? How can I tell if I am to leave my home country to share the Gospel?
8. 45:08 {Should We Celebrate Friends’ “Out of Wedlock” Pregnancies?} I have some Christian friends who have gotten pregnant out of wedlock, and I feel like they expect you to react just the same as if they were married. What’s the right response in this situation?
9. 48:38 {Is it Possible to be “Good”?} “Good Man”? Jesus said there is none good but God in Luke 18: 19, Mathew 19: 17, and Mark 10: 18. But, in Acts 11: 24 it talks about a Good Man. Also in Matthew 12: 35, Proverbs 13: 22, and Romans 5:7 (NIV).
10. 52:15 {About Moral, Civil & Ceremonial Laws} Why do we differentiate between moral, ceremonial, and civil law? Meaning, who decided the moral law was to be continued but not the other two types?
11. 57:05 {About Abraham’s Bosom & King Saul’s Salvation} Does 1 Samuel 28: 19 disprove the theological idea of “Abraham’s Bosom,” or could we perhaps assume that King Saul was saved?
12. 1:01:37 {Can Only God be Perfect?} As a philosopher, I want to say that only God is (or can possibly be) perfect. How do I reconcile this with Matthew 5: 48?
13. 1:04:17 {A Family Attending Different Churches} Is it okay to go to different churches while being under the same household? My family goes to a Pentecostal church, but I prefer a Baptist one.
14. 1:06:10 {Should We Require a Sign from God Before Belief?} How would you respond if someone you love said something like, "I won't believe in any God unless He performs a supernatural miracle right in from of me”?
15. 1:09:31 {Is Satan Omnipresent?} I was asked if Satan was omnipresent. I said no, but was met with some push back. What are some good Bible verses to prove why Satan is not omnipresent and why this attribute is exclusive to God?
16. 1:12:02 {Does the Opportunity for Repentance Expire?} Is there a point in someone's life when they can't repent anymore (like Esau)?
17. 1:17:42 {Can We Take Communion for Someone Else?} My mom likes to “take communion over people” when they need prayer as if it does something extra special or gives her favor in prayer. It seems like this isn’t right or biblical. Thoughts?
18. 1:19:55 {What is being Awaken from in Daniel 12?} In Daniel 12:2 what are they "awakening" from?
19. 1:21:53 {Discerning What is Vanity in our Appearance} How do you discern what is vanity and what is not? Is wanting to "fix" appearances always vanity? Examples: covering scars with tattoos or having rhinoplasty to "fix" an appearance after a broken nose.
20. 1:25:56 {Does the Bible Refer to Men as Virgins, or Only Women?} Why are women in the Bible referred to as virgins, but not men? It makes it seem as though sexual purity was only important for women, but not for men. I know that’s not true, but would love clarity.
1:30:24 Surprise Bonus Q!

I take questions from the live chat. Start your question with "Q" and try to include one or two specific verse references if you have them. Due to the number of questions we get, I can't possibly answer them all, so I apologize if you send one in that doesn't get an answer.


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