The Orion Wars

2 years ago

After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran homeworlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated by attacking the Reptilian colonies in Orion. Some of the humanoid races in Orion, mostly those of the Aryan genotype that had evolved in Vega, have found that they resonate with the Ciakar’s (Draconian Empire) agenda of space exploration and colonization. This cooperation eventually led to the formation of the Orion Empire.

Many in the Galaxy disagreed with the principles of the Empire and its agenda, and many civilizations that had been subjugated by the Draco started to Rebel and Band together. This joining of forces would lead to the Foundation of a “Federation of Planets” whose members Stood United in Fighting the Draconians and the Orion Empire.

The Main Battles were fought in the Constellation of Orion, these Wars are also known as The Orion Wars. At the outset, a little over 20 million years ago, the Wars started over territory in the Constellation of Lyra. But soon the war spread to Orion, and it became a war of mindsets and ideologies. On the one hand, there was a group of mainly Humanoid races that was committed to the idea of service to others. On the other hand, there was a mixed group of Humanoids and Reptilian races that propagated service to self. These were mainly located in the Constellations of Alpha Draconis and Orion.

The intergalactic Orion Wars started off as a war between two parties. They were the Empire on one side and the armies of Light on the other. Later on, the Rebels also entered the scene, as a third party. The " Orion Black League " was an organizational resistance pattern developed during the Orion conflict, to counter the efforts of the Orion Empire, which was attempting physical and spiritual domination of the entire region. The Black League manifested not only as underground paramilitary Resistance organizations but as a spiritual and philosophical orientation that manifested in many forms.


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