Mass disabling event in the US

2 years ago

Nearly One in Five American Adults Who Have Had COVID-19 Still Have “Long COVID”

More than 40% of adults in the United States reported having COVID-19 in the past

Of this 40%

19% are currently still having symptoms of “long COVID”

(20 minutes, online survey)

For all U.S. adults, the new data show

Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have “long COVID” symptoms,

(symptoms lasting three or more months first infection)

UK comparison, is 3.1%

Male v female

Women, 9.4%

Men, 5.5%

UK comparison, also more common in women

Older v younger

Nearly three times more common in 50-59 than 80 and older.

UK comparison, also more common in 35 to 69 years

Ethnicity (adult data)

Nearly 9% of Hispanic adults currently have long COVID

Non-Hispanic White (7.5%)

Black (6.8%)

Asian adults (3.7%)

Sexual orientation

Bisexual adults, 12% have current long COVID symptoms

Transgender adults, 15%

Differences between States

Highest prevalence

Kentucky, 12.7%

Alabama, 12.1%

Tennessee, 11.6%

South Dakota, 11.6%

Highest prevalence

Hawaii, 4.5%

Maryland, 4.7%

Virginia, 5.1%

The Great Resignation Event

Over the last year, rate of job quitting, highest since records began in 2000

Available jobs, 11.3 million

Is this a Mass Disabling Event?

Caused by the ‘The Great Resignation Event’

White collar workers


Health care workers

Restaurant and food workers

Comparison with UK, ONS data

As of 1st September, 2022 (from 21 July, 2022)

People experiencing self-reported long COVID

2.0 million (3.1% of the population)

Of this 2 million

Symptoms for at least 12 weeks, 83%

Symptoms for at least 1 year, 45%

Symptoms for at least 2 years, 22%

The most common long COVID symptoms

Fatigue, 62%

Shortness of breath, 37%

Difficulty concentrating, 33%

Muscle ache, 31%

Symptoms adversely affected the day-to-day activities

In 73% of those with self-reported long COVID 

More common in

Aged 35 to 69 years


Living in more deprived areas

Workers in social care

Another activity-limiting health condition or disability

Less common in those looking for work

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