Alex Jones & Max Keiser - Credit Default Swaps - We Do NOT Owe The Banker's Debt!

2 years ago

Max Keiser and Alex Jones back in 2011 exposed the global financial derivatives fraud designed to bring down the world financial system which was implemented by the International Bankers. Credit default swaps are one of the main financial derivatives used to move risk around the global banking system and increase the leverage of banks- it all comes down to accounting fraud.

With central banks around the world debasing their currencies through monetisation (money printing) they rob you of your purchasing power, making everything, from food, to transportation, to real estate- more expensive, gradually stealing your wealth over time and arranging global ‘crises’ such as the 2020 ‘virus’ Scamdemic (this was a banking collapse and a cover for the collapse of the repo market in late 2019, but sold as a 'virus' as it also serves their agenda to depopulate through 'vaccines') and various ‘wars’ as the pretext and excuse to print even MORE money to give to themselves in the form of bailouts.

The bankers then fraudulently claim countries are ‘in debt’ / ‘have a deficit’ and the only way to pay it back is to sell of their public infrastructure/assets/pensions (i.e. Austerity measures), even though the money was printed out of thin air and based on nothing. It is a global banker occupation which they accomplish by fraudulently imposing debt on sovereign nations. Goldman Sachs puts all their people in the top positions as you can see with the likes of Mark Carney, Mario Draghi, Rishi Sunak, Steve Mnuchin, Sajid Javid, Neel Kashkari, with mainstream whore presstitute media cheering on every action of the central banks.

Max Keiser explains how the bankrupt IMF are pulling the strings as administrator, the World Bank would look to issue SDR-style ‘world currency’ and the constant debt printing would send metals prices through the roof.

If there is a lockup of credit, your debit and credit cards do not work, you cannot get money from the bank, everything stops, and tyrannical ‘central bank digital currencies’ are offered as the ‘solution’ to problems (they caused) just remember these bastard financial terrorists planned EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT! You can see here as early as 2011 where their pre-meditated planned collapse of the world financial system through financial derivatives fraud is exposed by Alex Jones and Max Keiser. This is financial derivatives fraud: You cannot prevent inflation by printing MORE money and WE DO NOT OWE THE DEBT!
#SayNoToTheCovid'Vaccine'. #SayNoToVaccinePassports. #SayNoToNaziEugenics. #SayNoToTheRockefellers. #SayNoToBillandMelindaGates. #SayNoToAgenda2030. #SayNoToLockdowns. #SayNoToTheGreatReset. #SayNoTo5G.

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