Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – Being Dad with Phil Lower, September 18, 2022

2 years ago

Personal Boundary = Inalienable Rights
Intellect = Life
Decision-Making = Liberty
Emotional Energy = Happiness

All of these lead to Durable Fulfillment

If you’re feeling trapped in a situation, you have the right to make a decision about it.

Your decision is guided by conscience and intuition.

Internally, trait conscientiousness is one of the key elements to determining how successful you will be at anything you pursue.

Destructive vs Constructive decisions vs Indecision.

Externally, Intuition will tell you whether or not your environment is healthy or destructive when it comes at you.

Animals get quiet in movies. Walk into a room and people get quiet. You said something to a customer and then you get a call from your boss.

Mastering Decision Making = Freedom

Intellect or Data Processing = Success

Our intellect helps us understand time and organizing the way we process life, education, experiences, culture, etc.

We organize our data by using the Right Brain and Left Brain.

Right Brain is a jumbled up and freely associates with other data please leads us to future possibilities. It is experience oriented like going to Six Flags or being a cheerleader in college.

Left Brain is organized and considers the data of history not experience. It’s less emotional and therefore probability oriented. You only need to learn to ride a bike once but you can experience riding many different types.

Then, Emotional Energy = Happiness. It is either positive or negative energy. Positive energy leads to self-esteem. Negative energy leads to anger and anxiety. Stress is negative energy that hasn’t broken through our Personal Boundary.

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