LS-Factor (Slope length and steepness factor) for estimation of soil loss using RUSEL model Part-II

2 years ago

~~~~ LS-FACTOR using ArcGIS ~~~~

As an alternative the Slope length and slope steepness factor can be estimated as lumped parameter i.e. Slope length and steepness factor/LS/ using equation described as:

LS = Power("Flow Accumulation"*Cell Size/22.13,0.4)*Power(0.01745*(Sin("slope in Degree"))/0.0896,1.4)

Step-1: Prepare "DEM" (fill sinks and voids)

Step-2: Prepare "Flow Accumulation" Raster

Step-3: Prepare "Slope map" in degree

Step-4: Calculate LS using "Raster Calculator"

#RUSLE, #USLE, #LS Factor, #Soil Loss, #sediment, #Sediment Yield, #sedimentation

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