The Sedona Method. Part Nine Of Twenty Part Audio Course With Work Books. Learn To Manifest

2 years ago

How To Let Go of Limiting Emotions That Block Your Blessings Using the Sedona Method

The Sedona Method is a simple, powerful, and easy-to-learn technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.

What makes the Sedona Method a powerful tool (that really works!) is that it is a process you can use anytime, anyplace, to improve any area of your life and to uncover happiness and joy that is right within you.

There are five ways to approach the process of releasing, and they all lead to the same result: liberating your natural ability to let go of any unwanted emotion on the spot, and allowing some of the suppressed energy in your subconscious to dissipate revealing your unlimited potential.

The first way is by choosing to let go of the unwanted feeling. The second way is to welcome the feeling, to allow the emotion just to be. The third way is to dive into the very core of the emotion. The fourth way is by dissolving the opposing polarities we all carry, and the fifth way is by seeing through the feeling to the effortless Awareness that is right behind it.

You will find that as you work with The Sedona Method, it will give you much more than you bargained for or even dreamed possible.

* What happens may surprise you
* Release even long-standing problems
* Become more aware and more successful

As you continue to use The Sedona Method, you will become more adept at using it, and the results will greatly accelerate over time. You will quickly reach a point where releasing becomes completely second nature. As natural, in fact, as breathing is to you now. You will also discover a whole new way of being naturally happy and at peace.

“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” — C. JoyBell C.

The Sedona Method is a very simple way of letting go of fear, frustration, anger, limiting thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are holding you back.

It is our limiting emotions that often prevent us from creating and maintaining the lives that we choose. We can choose to let go and live more freely, more fully, and more completely.

What if you could tap your ability to let go of any limiting emotions holding you back?

In fact, in many cases, if we simply let go or release what’s in our way, we free ourselves up in limitless and unlimited ways. Releasing what’s holding us back is what frees us up to be what we’re capable of and to realize our potential.


Practice letting go of the negative emotions that hold you back so they flow through you, but they don’t own you or control you. They’re input, and you can choose to hold on to them or choose to let go of them. If you can drop an object, you can let go of negative emotions.

In How It Works, Hale Dwoskin writes:

“Let me explain by asking you to participate in a simple exercise. Pick up a pen, a pencil, or some small object that you would be willing to drop without giving it a second thought.

Now, hold it in front of you and really grip it tightly. Pretend this is one of your limiting feelings and that your hand represents your gut or your consciousness. If you held the object long enough, this would start to feel uncomfortable yet familiar.

Now, open your hand and roll the object around in it. Notice that you are the one holding on to it; it is not attached to your hand. The same is true with your feelings, too. Your feelings are as attached to you as this object is attached to your hand.”

When you let go, you dissolve what’s holding you back, and the world opens up. When the world opens up you feel powerful. When you feel powerful, you act powerfully.

The process of letting go comes down to welcoming the feeling and then asking 3 simple questions:

* Could I let it go?
* Would I let it go?
* When?

When you ask yourself, “Could I let this feeling go?”, remind yourself that you can let any emotion go, like dropping an object (more on this below.)

When you ask yourself, “Would you let the feeling go?”, consider whether you would you rather hold on to pain, stress, and suffering, or, would you rather be free?

When you ask yourself, “When?”, what you’re doing is creating an invitation to do it now.

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