They ARE trying to hide it from us, trying hard to make us believe it can't be so simple

2 years ago

"They were and are still trying to hide it from us, trying hard to make us believe it can't be so simple. Used as instructed, per the FDA patents, no one, I mean NO ONE should ever die from Cancer, or any other debilitating disease again. All patients need is a little patience to let Mother Nature do her job.​""

From CrashingThunder
4th video is an ad for industrial use applications but the methodology and reactions are exactly the same on small scale or large scale. Ive never tried a MMS bath but the folks who have absolutely love the results. Check out MMS/CDS Baths soaks. Good for pains and more.

to purchase from a well established lab w/ excellent purity history i recomend "Oneness Labs". HOWEVER they are in Commiefornia and may not have power much longer. Jordan Sather has a promo for Oneness Labs for 15% off
Oneness Labs offers kits for making chlorine dioxide disinfectant solution. Based in the USA.

Use code “JORDAN15” for 15% off your order.

or occasionally the website will offer you 15-20% off your order if you sign up on their mailing list.

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MMS DIY (Chlorine Dioxide) Bitchute Channel link below

link to original videos>>
Treating (ANY AND ALL!) Infections with Chlorine Dioxide


Welcome to my Newsletter for Molecular Medicines. It is called "The TESTIMONIAL". My effort here is to give a louder voice to those who have recovered from various diseases using Molecular Medicines. At the end of the article, there are also several videos from people who share their own spoken words of how it has worked for them.

See this Testimonial newsletter article Edition 2022.12 at:

See this Testimonial newsletter article Edition 2022.6 at:

Healing can be inexpensive and accessable to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

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below is from JA Health Advocate
​Before we begin lets make a clarification: Wherever you see MMS or CD, they refer to the same thing. (MMS/CD) MMS/CD is made with the either Hydrochloric Acid 4% Activation, or with the Citric Acid Activation.

​​I have been researching for years to find something that the very poor could use to help them quickly heal from their chronic and sometimes debilitating illnesses. My focus was mainly on finding a treatment that could help the poor eradicate cancer, without the debilitating effects that accompany conventional treatments.

​This article is about Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). ​Chlorine Dioxide will kill any microbe it comes into contact with. This is why the FDA offered so many patents to use it as a boss treatment for cancer and other dangerous diseases.

The Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Protocols are so inexpensive to do that they allow even the poorest individuals to have access to a tried and true, simple method to help their bodies heal from almost every disease known to mankind. This takes care of man made and natural diseases.

Through my ongoing and extensive research, I have found something that everyone can benefit from...They were trying to hide it from us, trying hard to make us believe it can't be so simple. Used as instructed, per the FDA patents, no one, I mean NO ONE should ever die from Cancer, or any other debilitating disease again. All patients need is a little patience to let Mother Nature do her job.​ ​

​Some people refer to Chlorine Dioxides as a “stabilized oxygen” formulation that is a 28% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When a mild acid (lemon or lime juice, citric acid, HCL) is added to a few drops of Sodium Chlorite. Chlorine Dioxide is created and when ingested, produces a major boost to the immune system, killing every known pathogen including bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi and molds. Our bodies are made up of more then 70 percent water. Chlorine Dioxide is the safest, most effective water purification agent known to man...No wonder it purifies the body by seeking out and killing every pathogens that cause so many diseases and illnesses.

Chlorine Dioxide:
Chlorine dioxide is a pretty simple compound. However, many times the simple things of this world end up possessing the Most Power. And so it is with Chlorine Dioxide, as it has come to be known. This powerful pathogen killer is not a drug. It consists of a harmless type of chlorine that is in table salt and oxygen. Of course, the wonder of chlorine dioxide (aka mms1) is that it's a mineral solution available to even the poorest people in this world.

A Safe Oxidizer
Chlorine dioxide is safe and works as an Oxidizer. It only attacks bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, most heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the body. It doesn’t harm friendly bacteria and flora or healthy cells. It does this by a process called oxidation.

Chlorine dioxide is slowly replacing chlorine for municipal water treatment systems. It is already used in upscale communities for water purification. Why do they use Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) and not just regular chlorine (Cl)? Because Chlorine Dioxide is safe, unlike regular chlorine found in bleach. PLUS, Chlorine Dioxide has Oxygen which helps to kill pathogens. Chlorine dioxide contains only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. Chlorine Dioxide consists of the type of harmless chlorine that is found in regular table salt, and oxygen.

The American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed in 1999 that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.

I have been using this Chlorine Dioxide Protocols... I use the Oral Application and the Transdermal Application. Here is the information my people...Read this page and learn about Chlorine Dioxide Protocols, then follow the instructions and you will find a great detox.

​You MUST feed your body with good nutrients...Garbage filled junk foods will not work. Change what and how you eat and use CD and you will be OK in short order.​ Set some time aside and read this page. Take notes if you need to.

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