End Times Prophecy & America/ Trump & NWO ? There's a Storm Coming and Very few people are prepared

2 years ago

#EndTimeProphecy #PatriotNationTV #OneManOneOpinion #TrumpAmerica

* There is a War of your mind going on.

* It is a spiritual war, a War of principalities

* We live in a Day & time of Deception, Confusion & Chaos

* Is the Great Reset & NWO the infrastructure for the Anti- Christ

5 Things that’s on most peoples minds

1) are we living in Biblical times?

2) if so, is this why it feels like we are all wondering around in the wilderness for 40 year like Moses & the Israelites did? Or 40 days/nights like Jesus ?

3) is the infrastructure for the Anti-Christ already established, under the guise and influence of the Great Reset/NWO ?

4) Is Trump Good for the Country or is he a Fraud/fake ?

5) who should we Trust.?

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