Biden Calls For Social Media to Step Up Their "Hate-Speech" Enforcement | US Social Credit Score

2 years ago

Biden met with heads of tech companies, this time out in the open, community "leaders" and "victims" of "hate-fueled violence" at the White House United We Stand summit. Basically, he blamed white people for everything awful that happens to his pet minorities and wants to throw out Section 230, so he can regulate the internet. That's the jist of it.

While getting rid of Section 230 is good news, given who is calling the shots, color me suspicious as to the underlying motives. Considering how the heads of Google, Meta, Microsoft and Financial institutions pledged their allegiance to silencing "hate," you can see the writing on the wall; Chinese-style social credit is on it's way.

The Epoch Times:

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#Biden #SocialCredit #HateSpeech

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