Screw The WHO - Every Country MUST Demand We Exit the WHO Right Now!

2 years ago

Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) invited public submissions in response to their proposed 'Pandemic Treaty' or amendments to the International Health Regulations. They demanded that citizens provide their personal ID as part of their submissions - an act that deterred many from submitting their true response to the WHO.

The proposal by the WHO is clear - every country needs to give us authority over their citizens' medical decisions, allowing us to force medical procedures on them... or else.

James Roguski is running his own campaign called, 'Screw The WHO', with true video submissions from people all over the world on what this "Treaty" really means, highlighting just how much opposition there should be to the WHO launching an all-out war on every human being and their freedom. People are encouraged to submit their videos to add to the library of people standing against this.

You can view all of the existing submissions here, with contributions from the likes of global platforms that have given a voice to all of the censored doctors and experts who have been silenced by globalists pushing this war on humanity such as Zeee Media, Del Bigtree from The Highwire, and more:

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