Durham Probe Winding Down & Exposing MORE FBI Corruption! Key Steele Dossier Source on the Payroll!

2 years ago

Haven't heard from Robert Durham and his investigations in awhile. He just filed a new motion that outed Igor Danchenko, the co-conspirator of the Steele Dossier, as a Fed asset. Danchenko, a journalist, was placed under the FBI's watch as a CHS, a confidential human source. What that ultimately means in substance, that's classified information, but what we do know is that during the time that Russiagate was being peddled, the key source in circulating the Russia pee tape was on the Government payroll.

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-put-key-dossier-source-on-payroll-in-apparent-effort-to-conceal-dossier-fabrications_4730272.html

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#FBI #SteeleDossier #IgorDanchenko

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