Proof WTC 7 was badly damaged

2 years ago

The 9-11 truther nuts are at it again.
This VHS video clip, recorded on September 11th, 2001, right after the collapse of the two towers, shows the NYC fire crews battling fire and obvious damage that was done to the SOUTH face of WTC 7 when pieces of WTC 1 collapsed into it.
The battalion chief can be heard ordering the evacuation of WTC 7 so that it can be 'pulled,' as in purposefully demolished, to prevent damage to the relatively undamaged adjacent buildings.
In other words, they knew the building was coming down anyway from the fire/damages and elected to save the adjacent buildings by demo'ing it.
The 9-11 truther nut jpgs/gifs claims going around show the relatively undamaged NORTH face of WTC 7 when it was purposefully demo'ed to give a false impression of what actually happened.
This is the video proof the claims are false and I'm glad I saved it.

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