The TRUTH is a choice you make, ONLY YOU can choose it!

2 years ago

A look into how Rockefeller corrupted America and it's medical industry, government, and even the laws of this country!

America needs a fresh start. One without Corrupt Bankers in charge of it! We must elect a good, hard, Oath keeper as our Sheriff, who has been trained by Sheriff Mack's #CSPOA Training program!

We need Sheriffs to take control in our counties and to not allow corrupt Federal Agents into our communities! They have the power to do this!

They also have the constitutional authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS to help them with this task! It's YOUR JOB to elect them!

But most of all... America needs to return to The Father!
We need to speak His Truth, and live by His statutes and Laws!
THIS is how we return America to it's once great state!

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