放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★4

2 years ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★4







What is meditation? What are the benefits to the body?
Meditation is a form of altered consciousness that enhances self-knowledge and well-being by attaining a deep state of tranquility. During meditation, people may focus on and regulate their breathing, adopt certain yoga poses, minimize external stimuli, produce specific mental images, or think about nothing. Meditation is an important part of yoga, magic, religion (Buddhism, Taoism), etc.
What is meditation? How to meditate?
Meditation is a form of altered consciousness that enhances self-knowledge and well-being by attaining a deep state of tranquility.
Meditation method: Simply put, concentrated meditation is to focus all energy on a single point, this point can be an object, a figure, a sound, a meaningless word, phrase or prayer, breath. until other thoughts are excluded from consciousness.
Through this process, you can enter a state of inner tranquility, and at the same time, you can become more aware of your introverted thoughts and feelings.

There are two different modes of meditation: receptive and active. In receptive mode we simply relax and allow images or impressions to come to mind without making any choices about details. In positive mode, we consciously choose and create what we want to see or imagine. Both modes are an important part of meditation.

level of meditation
How to meditate?
Meditation is similar to yoga in that it uses meditation to clear away clutter and sort out thoughts, so as to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body. Meditation is generally a continuous period of 10 minutes to 2 or 3 hours of sitting. The first thing to pay attention to is the correct sitting posture. Beginners can sit on the edge of a seat cushion about 8 cm high and focus on a place 3 feet away, or think about nothing and only focus on the movement of breathing. When meditating, learn to breathe with your belly. When you inhale, your belly expands and when you exhale, your belly contracts.

Dressing for meditation is also important. It is best to wear loose shirts and trousers, as any tight clothing will make you feel uncomfortable when meditating. As you meditate, use autosuggestion to relax your entire body. Every time I relax a part, I fantasize about throwing away the restlessness and anxiety in my heart. After sitting like this for 10 minutes or so, the body will no longer feel tight and stressed. If you can practice more, after a period of time, you will be able to keep your mind in a calm state, your thinking will be clearer, and your analytical ability will be improved.

Regular meditation can reduce the pressure of life, enhance the body's ability to resist diseases, relieve mental tension, and have a good improvement effect on diseases such as respiratory tract, headache, stomach pain, and nervous system.

Sitting meditation is not difficult to learn, you don't need to recite words, you don't need to keep dantian or sit in lotus position. In fact, if you've ever prayed constantly, or stared at something for a long time, you probably already know the trick to sitting and meditating.

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