放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★14

2 years ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★14

基本的冥想,其實就是保持平靜,注意自己在想什麼,使自己的思想慢下來,給腦袋喘息的機會。 (當然,冥想的好處也不止於此,冥想的效果跟運動頗為類似。研究顯示冥想能增進工作記憶和保持專注的能力。冥想甚至能使大腦部位更厚實、更強壯,就像運動鍛煉肌肉那樣,防止大腦的衰老。)




best time to meditate
The best time to practice yoga is in the early morning, especially before breakfast. You can also practice in the evening or at other times, but make sure to practice on an empty stomach or after complete digestion. In fact, strict yoga has very specific practice time regulations. It should be practiced in the morning before the sun comes out, practiced at noon when the sun reaches the top of the head, practiced after sunset in the evening, and practiced at 12 o'clock at night.
What are the magical effects of meditation
Basic meditation is really about being calm, paying attention to what you're thinking, slowing down your thoughts and giving your mind a chance to breathe. (Of course, the benefits of meditation don’t stop there. The effects of meditation are quite similar to exercise. Research has shown that meditation can improve working memory and the ability to maintain focus. Meditation even makes parts of the brain thicker and stronger, just like exercise builds muscles. That way, prevent the aging of the brain.)

1. A simple and commonly used meditation method is "breathing meditation", also known as pranayama.
Because the purpose of meditation is to seek peace of mind, and the state of mind is closely related to breathing. Spend 5-10 minutes a day sitting in a chair, straightening your back, relaxing your stomach, and breathing unconsciously. At the beginning of the operation, it is normal to be disturbed by your own thoughts and have distracting thoughts. Try to bring your attention back to the breath in the present moment, and carefully feel the feeling of the air passing through the nose and into the body, causing the abdomen to expand, and you can eliminate distracting thoughts. Pay attention to breathing for a long time, you may feel very boring, then you can use the method of "counting breaths" to adjust. Generally speaking, the exhalation time is longer, and the inhalation time is short, so when we count the breath, we only count the out breath, regardless of the inhalation, we count a number each time we exhale, and ignore it when we inhale, until the next breath we exhale. time, change to the next number.

2. In addition to breathing meditation, guided meditation is also a relatively common and introductory meditation method.
The so-called guided meditation is to guide you to imagine, observe and relax through some media (such as sound, music, lines, etc.).
For example, imagine meditation. Just simulate a peaceful scene in your mind and explore it step by step until you get peace. You can simulate this scene according to your own preferences, you don't have to imagine how realistic it is, you should adjust it according to your own situation. You can imagine a warm sandy beach, a flowery meadow, a peaceful forest or a warm living room with a fire. Whatever scenario you imagine, make it your sanctuary.

3. To sum up, my suggestions for meditation are as follows:
Meditation doesn't have to last long, if short (3-10 minutes) meditation works for you, you're happy doing it, and it helps you, of course you can do it all the time.
During breath meditation, do not deliberately control your breathing, use your normal breathing style.
You don’t have to sit cross-legged to meditate. You can meditate while sitting, standing, or lying down. You can even try guided meditation while taking a bus, walking, or jogging.

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