2 years ago

I’ve read hundreds of books and magazines about strength training. I’ve trained at some of the best gyms in the world. I’ve worked with some of the most brilliant coaches in the world. I’ve trained with some of the most elite military units in the world. I have multiple certifications and college degrees. And after almost three decades of collecting all this knowledge and experience I can confidently say that this is THE BEST TRAINING PROGRAM that has ever been created!!!

This training program is only seven weeks long. Which means that nobody should be expecting to increase their bench press by 50 pounds or so at the end of it. Take whatever your recent max is (NOT your all time best from years ago), add 5-10 pounds to it and that’s your 100% for this cycle. Even if you underestimated your 1RM, there is still a chance that you will surprise yourself on the PR day. On the other hand, if you overshoot - almost certainly all your work will go to waste.

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