Fastest Labs forensic toxicity test example - bypasses nano tech; reveals all toxins (real client test)

2 years ago

Here is an example of what a full panel forensic heavy metal test looks like from Fastest Labs - you get this report for your records when you purchase a test. I show a comparison to a very expensive but same heavy metals forensic lab test which uses the same forensic modalities as Fastest Labs.

Because of our partnership and its presence nationwide, Fastest Labs has reduced their pricing further to assist the public in affording these toxicity tests to prove they have toxins in their body from Covid shots or other situations.

See video on latest forensic testing of Covid shots, finding heavy metals and other toxins in all formulas:

For more helpful videos with interviews, study links, doctor protocols, safe detoxification methods and little known cures hidden away by the FDA and AMA, check out our channel and help others by like, share and/or subscribing to the channel:

Please get tested to see what current state your body is in that is fully forensic (gets past nano tech to reveal all hidden toxins - regular doctor and hospital tests cannot do that) is affordable compared to an individual forensic lab test and is admissible in court, if needed.

If you are suing your employer or state agency for forcing you to get a shot, you need proof that the Covid shot(s) filled your body full of toxins. Even those who have deceased loved ones (especially athletes and airline personnel) can have the hair or nails tested of their loved one to prove they died as a result of one or more Covid shots, or for any suspicious event.

Even ashes can be tested now forensically to show the toxins in the body! Even pet fur - my cat Angel's fur was tested to show she was poisoned by my suspects.

We are now partnered with Fastest Labs which has full panel forensic methods in all their tests. With locations nationwide, we are creating a database, showing the level of toxicity in people, especially after having a Covid shot. Anyone wishing to check the toxicity level of their body can get tested - no doctor slip is needed:

Best way to order a test kit - Click here: and fill out the form page, asking for their special full panel forensic heavy metal toxicity test kits, or your request if you wish to use a nearby USA lab to test at - Fastest Labs will give you a form to take to any lab to collect your sample for testing or mail you a test kit. (NOTE: Test kits can also be mailed overseas to any country!)

Fastest Labs mails kits using Fedex AND includes a pre-paid Fedex envelope to mail your test kit back with!

Or call 1-877-857-9238 if you need assistance in ordering a Fastest Labs full forensic toxicity test - all info stays confidential. (We are HIPAA trained and certified)

Again, Fastest Labs can mail test kits overseas to any country! We want to assist others around the world with these full panel forensic reports and collect the data to show these vaccine injuries are not random cases. We need to prove to our government agencies that Covid shots are the problem, not the solution (there is already a natural element the FDA tried to ban that works against any virus - glutathione).

Below you will find links to some of The Paladina's preferred supplements that we and our clients have used with great success to detoxify and boost our immunity against viruses (see article links on Glutathione and how it protects against any virus, including Covid - scientifically proven in 2020). Our company does not sell any products. This list is a free resource we have created in the hope it will make your life a little easier. To defray the costs associated with hosting these links, our company may earn a small commission for the sale of these products. Your purchase also helps support our work in providing you information about health and holistic wellness.

For full listing of supplements:

Study on Glutathione and how it protects from Covid-19:

Video on detoxifying:

More articles and info on Covid and Flu prevention/recovery and toxicity info at:

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#poisoning #covid19 #vaccine #symptoms #injuries #illness #toxicity #side effects #heavymetals #lawsuits

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