Most Liked On Rumble

2 years ago

Meet Rumble
Hello, I'm Rumble! I'm a very special boy looking for my perfect family. I love people, and am very gentle - I'll lean into scritches and love tummy rubs! I get along with everyone I meet, even kids. I'm very food motivated and I know a lot of tricks, you'll be impressed! I need a home where I am the only dog, although I can live with cats if you give me a slow introduction. I don't get along most other dogs and will need my new family to be aware of my space needs around other dogs, and actively manage interactions. I need a special diet because I have kidney insufficiency and I have arthritis, so I need ongoing love and care to and make sure I am living my best life! I have a little anxiety in the evenings as it gets dark, but with my handy calming collar and "happy hoodie" I'm doing fairly well! I'm quite a gentleman: I let you know when I need to go out, I sleep through the night, am generally quiet and while I don't like being kenneled I am very good in the house when allowed to free-roam.

Adoption Process
$450 adoption fee, application, personal interview, personal references, match with suitable hound, applicant meets hound, adoption contract and conditions of ownership signed for adoption. Adoption fee is non-refundable.

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