Mueller Report - No Evidence Of Collusion - The View... to a Coo Coo.

2 years ago

The View... to a Coo Coo.
No Collusion, but Coo Coo-usion. YES!!! ;)

There is a Pasta called Mueller's.
The Russia Hoax is like a dry noodle, it's doesn't stick. ;)
#PastaPastaPasta Yummy!!! Yummy!!! Yummy!!! ;)

New 80's song
#ForABetterViewNeverTurnOnYourTVduringTheDayLolzYiiiiiikesLookAWAAAYLookAWAAAYfromThoseTurdFacedRaceBaiters lol True.

#BroughtToYouByPfizer ;)

P.S. 'mumbles under breath, in case FaucBi is listening' "it's not a vaccine..."


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