Arnold Martin preaching the Gospel in Doncaster.

2 years ago

God creates us all in His image. However, Adam rebelled against God and as a consequence died spiritually. This total depravity was then transmitted to every human being who was ever born. Every person who is born comes into this world with a sin nature which does not desire nor has the ability to please God, and we all therefore are in desperate need of salvation, God's free gift of grace and reconciliation with God.

God has provided the only solution for man's sin problem. How? By sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be the sacrifice for our sins. We must believe that Christ died to pay for our sins and was buried and rose on the third day and confess Christ as LORD with our mouth. God's word is VERY clear: we do not receive salvation as a result of our actions, deeds, even our religious deeds or other good works, but only by having personal faith and trust in Jesus Christ and His work. Those who receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour are then born of the Spirit and are assured of an eternity in Heaven. Those who reject this FREE gift of salvation will suffer the pain, anguish and unspeakable torments of the lake of fire for all eternity, that means forever. May we all choose wisely.

Romans 10:9-10, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians 2:8-9, Genesis 1:26, Romans 6:23, 3:23, 3:10, 1Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 9:27, Psalm 51:5.

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