Robert Breaker - The mark of the beast

2 years ago

This video is an overview of how it all will end and what is still to come according to the Bible.
I agree here with Robert.
I am a believer myself of the Bible and through this book im looking at this world of today.

All who are watching here these video's know that what is happening now, especially the last view years, somethings is really wrong.
We see that the world is shifting from its current systems.

Is this the shifting from a Romans 13 to a Revelation 13 system according to the Bible?
Maybe you don't believe the Bible? Or you interpret the Book different?
That's ok, we all have free will of choice.
We agree for sure that what is happening now is wrong and have no truth.
This means there must be absolute truth.
Is the Bible absolute truth?

I believe there is more than our eyes can see.
And its bigger than what we see.

Im confinced that this is a battle between good and evil.
Besides the physical, its a spiritual battle.
What is happening now was already written in The Bible.
And in this time its more relevant than ever before.

One day we will all leave this place.
Is it over than? Or do we continue in another place? Could we know?

We're all looking for truth.


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