Need to Know News (16 September 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

A Special Master assigned to review the documents seized by the FBI during its raid on Mar-a-Lago puts a wrench into the AG plan to deny Trump the right to run again in 2024. We are going to see an appeal by the DOJ, but probably one that will be looked upon with disfavor by the Court of Appeals, The District Court Judge in this case appears to be handling it in accordance with the law and the interest of justice. Good for her! Meanwhile, the Clintons and the Obamas and Oprah are not about to put up with even 50 migrants on Martha's Vineyard, calling upon the Governor of the state to move them promptly to Joint Base Cape Cod. The big name liberals booted them at the earliest possible occasion, exposing their hypocrisy for the world to see. And the message has not been lost on ordinary Americans. Biden has signed a secret order to turn the executive branch into a voter registration drive for the Democrat Party, which is a grotesque abuse of his position and of the powers of government. But what else would we expect from these corrupt and impotent politicians, who are desperate to save their positions of power lest they be held accountable by a new Congress they do not control? The trailer for a new documentary, Shadowland, is a pathetic attempt to discredit conspiracy theories by advancing an exaggerated and distorted version that practically nobody accepts, unlike the specific alternatives to the "official accounts" of JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook and (even) the moon landing. Meanwhile the demented Biden continues to promote a fanciful tale of his activities in the Civil Rights Movement, which were in fact non-existence, where his own aides attempt to coax him away from shoveling this rubbish to the public without success. The Babylon Bee offers 10 useful alternatives to the use of electricity to do your part to conserve energy and turn the nation green. Mike King recounts the historical injustice done to Germany through the two world wars and how it continues to this day. While Alex Jones is censured right off the bat during his second trial for damages, where I sought to intervene in all three to make the point that there has been no judicial determination that anyone--even one person!--actually died at Sandy Hook.

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