The Raw Deal (16 September 2022)

2 years ago

The Governors of Texas and of Florida have called the bluff of the phony hypocrites who run the Democrat Party, who are systematically destroying America, not least by their open borders policy that has admitted some 4.9 million illegals into the country since Biden took office. No nation can withstand this kind of influx, which changes its demographics and alters its culture--potentially permanently. So sending buses to Washington and the home of VP Harris, the "Border Czar", by Abbott of Texas and 50 to Martha's Vineyard, by DeSantis of Florida, was a brilliant stroke. It highlights the absurdity of the policy, which is an abdication of Constitutional responsibility, by failing to maintain the security of the border and thereby forfeiting the security of the nation. Speculations about the carrying capacity of Martha's Vineyard suggest it could accommodate up to 6,000,000 illegal migrants. NICE! The attention this has garnered in the press has been enormous and beneficial to those who believe in a strong American by exposing the profound corruption and complete irresponsibility of the current administration. The appointment of a Special Master for the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago will also have enduring consequences, insuring that it will not be complete before November and therefore not affect the midterm elections, which was (in large part) the point, where the effort to deny Trump the ability to run again appears to be only a remote prospect, at best. Do not expect any indictments anytime soon. And Biden has signed an EO that makes the federal government complicit in voter registration for the Democrat Party, which (again) is grossly abusive, where the DOJ is not willing to release the 15 pages of instructions on its implementation.

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