September 2022: 30 Days, 30 Questions.

2 years ago

Did the Powers that Rule America do enough to stop the blood-bath the DEMS were projected to incur for Nov. Mid-Terms? ALL Polling outfits had the US Senate gaining at MINIMUM 12 GOP Senators & over 120 US House Seats! But the Blitzkrieg of: 1) Using Gas/oil reserves(that TRUMP built up) to lower gas 1.25 per gallon; 2) the "Leak" of SCOTUS Brief(s), not final Certiorari SCOTUS ruling; 3) Raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago business in Florida, turn the American Electorate around? The DNC( Democratic National Committee) can't allow a total blood-letting of such magnitude, as GOPers, even without the White House, can inflict damage to the DNC's Marxist Agenda to demolish the US Sovereignty.

Astounding as this sounds, the MSM has perfected the sound-bites of instigation of HATRED against their opponent(s). The Powers that be fully understand that the average American could care less about Civics. They COUNT on that FACT to continue the Hypnotization of the average dumb-assed American to goad them into Voting their way of their own demise.

The DNC, taught well by the Marxist agitators a la Bernie Sanders and co., is to do several things, and not necessarily in order:

1) Break down the Nuclear family. "Who needs a Father anyway? I got me and my family". Those words were bellowed against me in my first Divorce case circa 1986. Unheard of 30 years prior to 1986.

2) Get the "Welfare Queens" of the Inner Cities to be completely dependent on the Welfare State - the DEMS. They will kick any father out of the home, as they get their money from the Government.

3) Teachers and other Social Workers rule Supreme in America regarding YOUR children's lives. The DNC operatives like former Governor McAuliffe of Virginia said it best: " WE know what to teach your kids in OUR schools. They WILL learn sexuality, transgenderism, and CRT( Critical Race Theory).

4) Demolish Voting DAY. Turn original Voting DAY into the Voting YEAR via : mail-in-ballots. This allowed BOTH parties to jettison Donald Trump, using the Scamdemic as the "cover" excuse & also killed the Signature verification in many States, and ALL of the aforementioned States that "changed the Voting Rules mid-cycle DURING the 2020 Election: Trump lost EACH of those States.

5) Open the Borders - ignore Immigration Laws instilled by the FIRST Congress in 1790. This way the unknowing masses will Vote DEM, as DEMS continue to give "freebies" such a the Obama phone, designer clothing, FREE housing, FREE daycare for their 13 kids, and of course, FREE Medical care for the ENTIRE family, courtesy of the American tax-payers.

6) When Cubans begged JOE BIDEN for help - he unceremoniously said "NO" to those Cubans seeking Freedom here in the USA. Why? The average Cuban-America in FL and GA Vote - wait for this - here it comes - ready? GOP by an overwhelming margin of 87%!!! That's right - 87% GOP. Why? Because most Cuban-Americans have relatives that lived under Fidel Castro and the older ones insist that Castro was a Marxist Democrat! They knew how hard living under Communism was in Cuba under Castro. JOE BIDEN even tried to gain Political gain out of telling the Cubans to pound sand: JOE BIDEN said he was making a stand against Immigrants!!! "Only in America" as the Boxing Promoter Don( the Con) King used to say with those Gold Teeth protruding.

7) Keep harping about Jan. 6th. Make Trump the Inciter of the "worst crisis" to ever hit the Capitol Building in American History" as spoken by YOUR Veep Kamala Harris. She is either so brain-celled deficient she overlooked the Puerto Rican assault on the same buildings March 1, 1954, shooting five Congressmen. But Trump supporters of Jan. 6th, NONE had a gun, or a knife. Some "Insurrection". At least the Myanmar Guerrillas had guns, knives and TANKS two weeks after Biden took office. THAT was the real Insurrection, where in Myanmar over 10,000 was shot/maimed the FIRST DAY of that Takeover, along with ALL TV Stations, Police Stations, Hospitals, schools, etc. Why didn't Liz Cheney ask if Trump called any of THOSE Insurrectionists for tips how to take over the US Government? But I Digress; I don't want to give her any ideas.

8) Sick bitter AG Garland on Trump. Anything. Stir the Pot. Oh, the Documents for Trump's personal Archives. The Public won't know a damn thing about the process so we have a "slam-dunk" here. Or maybe not.

9) Student Loan "forgiveness" for Votes. That gets the AOC youth crowd to the Polls in November.

10) The DNC has earmarked over a BILLION Dollars for FL Governor Ron DeSantis POTUS 2024. That's right - the DNC conceded the 2024 POTUS Election; they decided to back a GOPer( not the first time the DNC has done this) instead of the anemic Candidate field they currently have. WHEN this FBI search-for-Secrets-at-Mar-a-Lago-but-only-got-Victoria-Secrets fizzles out, this will be their ploy for 2024. The DNC is confident enough that they did enough for this Mid-Terms. Trump must be stopped at ALL costs.

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