AZ voter fraud: TWO "Community Women" are GOING to JAIL! I was told by MSM there is NO Voter Fraud?

2 years ago

The MSM keeps parroting this " There is NO Voter Fraud" and the previous AG of the DOJ - Mr. William Barr, kept bashing Donald Trump with his often repeated line: " Yes, there WAS Fraud, but not enough to affect the Election(s)". In other words, MANY RINOS( GOP in name only - see Senators UT-Mitt Romney, and AK-Lisa Murkowski and WY-Rep Tin Liz Cheney) went along with the MASSIVE Voter "Irregularities" especially in the 2020 Presidential Election, because THEY TOO needed to raid the US Treasury( see Joke Bribe 'Em's 10 TRILLION Dollar Covid relief package where only a mere NINE PERCENT - that's right - 9% went to actual Covid relief and also to which hundreds of "peaceful citizens" fraudulently applied for AND GOT close to THREE Billion dollars illegally) as THEIR Districts and States say they needed your grandchildren's tax funds too. It starts with this: this mail in vote garbage and NO ID, NO signature matching, 100 days to Vote, NO Registration deadlines like when I was a boy, and this once-illegal in ALL 50 States: ballot Harvesting. The "Granny Farming" at Nursing homes has been going on for over 50 years and no one cares. Well, once your country is run by an imitation of a Fidel Castro, by the end of THEIR Gun barrels, you WILL become "Serfs" and will work for the penny-wages just like the Cubans I interviewed back in 2015-7. A part of me WANTS that to happen so I can get MY Revenge on YOU from your destructive "Democratic Policies" that turned our once great country into the BIGGEST s-hole country of all-time. The last Cuban-American woman I interviewed in 2017 said this: "I hope the Nation of Islam will be the winner in the 3-way fight for final control of the USA - at least those teachers won't be "grooming" my granddaughter and women will FINALLY STFU as there IS no such thing as "Equality"; women have not nor DO NOT shed blood for this country so they should have little to NO SAY how we MEN Govern our country. If you women start shooting from the foxholes of War, then we can talk - 240 years later. MEN died for this country the first 240+ years for this country. No, women CANNOT do every job a MAN can do. NO Equality and I hope that there is NEVER this "Equity or this b.s. Equality". Your job by Nature is what.....Procreation. Children." If Nation of Islam does win out, and I have them a slight Favorite at 8 to 5 odds, you women WILL be just that - children caretakers with NO Voice. YOU keep voting for the Bill Clintons, JFK's, etc. JFL a rare exception that was far better than the MSM made him out to be, but the rest of your Grifter Pols are total sell-outs with their Marxist Social Programs. See how much your Obamacare is going up July 1st - over FIFTY PERCENT! Women overwhelmingly polled over 80% for this flim-flam "health plan" as they felt "sympathy" for the poor DEM voters. As the late, great Ronald W. Reagan said, " I never got a job off of a poor person". So keep voting DEM, you Social Justice Warriors! Vote DEM even harder and wait until you see what the Marxists has planned for YOUR sons with this Putin. b.s = YOIUR sons will be fried alive in the Nuclear War a la mid 2023. They have to do this before the GOP can retake the Presidency. You have been warned....

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