Episode #48: Do you want an NFT with that Latte?

2 years ago


Introduction to Crypto Basics: Saturday, September 17th: 8am pst / 11am est – Cost $45. This is an excellent class that does a great job explaining all of the basics! https://tinyurl.com/mpw4dsmx

Monthly Q&A: Saturday, September 24th -  8am pst / 11am est. Join us and the TW&C community for a round table discussion about the news, markets, etc. All questions welcomed! Cost is $10. Register here: https://tinyurl.com/4xz4b3be


COMPUTER DIVA - Worry FREE Computer Care! (paid sponsorship) https://www.computerdiva.biz/

MARKLY Mobile Signing Service:  Notary Mobile Signing Services for everyone! Sign online or we can come to you! (paid sponsorship) https://www.marklymobile.com/

ABOVE PHONE: (Affiliate Link) https://abovephone.com/aff/twowomenandcrypto/

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In The News:

Would you like an NFT with that Latte? Starbucks partners with Matic/Polygon to enhance their loyalty rewards program. Using Polygon's blockchain customers can purchase and earn digital collectible stamps. 

Fidelity, Charles Schwab and Citadel securities launch crypto exchange. The trio has merged to form a crypto exchange named EDX Markets

Adoption is coming and its a bumpy transition into the new world. It is happening though so buckle up!
Back on Aug 23rd Pope Francis imposed a OCT 1st deadline for all Holy See offices and Vatican-linked Institutions to deposit their Assets with the Vatican Bank.

Last week Rosie Rios to the the Vatican for the VITAE conference-Rosie posted on Twitter just returned from a once in a lifetime two day experience with the Pope where we focused on elevating global spirituality through our respective platforms. Our world has never needed this more than now! Mean anything?

Charles spoke and was clear about concerns of the executive order Whitehouse report 14067 Responsible digital Asset Development. Focus on Climate Change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEpC2PN2IGY



XRP can be acquired through Uphold, Atomic Wallet or the likes of a Safepal Wallet using the Swap Function in US markets or via the Safepal Trading dApp for clients with a Binance.com (NOT Binance.US) verified accounts.

Our favorite Hardware Wallets:
Ledger https://www.ledger.com/ 
Safepal https://www.safepal.io/
MetaMask - Keystone Wallet: https://keyst.one/


This content is being offered for your consideration only. Lean into the information shared here, and take what resonates. We each have our own way and we are not financial advisors.

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