This Is Causing The Decline In Men - 3 Ways To Regain Your Masculine Energy 2022

2 years ago

This Is Causing The Decline In Men - 3 Ways To Regain Your Masculine Energy 2022

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Let me ask you a question men… Would your ancestors consider you a useless beta male? Stick around and find out.

Your ancestors spent their lives hunting fishing and cultivating the land. Not as a hobby but as a necessity in order to survive. When they were not working to eat they were fighting off neighboring tribes who want nothing more than to kill them, enslave their children and procreate with their wives.

Man themselves have not evolved I would argue we have devolved into a lesser form of ourselves by allowing comfort to ruin their lives. These comforts have crushed mens testosterone and made them a lazy beta male which seems so prevalent today. We happily trade shots of cheap dopamine for long term success. It feels good in the moment to sit on the couch and do much of nothing while your life around you is subpar at best.
We went from exploring, hunting and having a burning desire to conquer the world to an obsession on conquering the next level of whatever video game is hot at the moment. We replace our real life success with success in the virtual world. This is why anxiety as a whole is at an all-time high.
On demand comfort will destroy you if you allow it do so. If you learn to use it as a tool you can build yourself with it. Do you use the internet to play your video games and watch porn all day like a pubesent little boy or are you using it to educate yourself, build a business, spread a message or enhance a skill? Nothing is entirely bad and nothing is entirely good. Our society has taken these tools and became obsessed with the comfort they bring.
It does not help that everything a man is supposed to be is now looked down on as if it is wrong or toxic in nature. So here are three basic ways you can reclaim your masculine energy.

1.) Work out or do something challenging. If you are going day in and day out and not ever challenging yourself physically you will increasingly get weaker. Not just physically but mentally as well. If you never face any physical struggle your body assumes you don’t even need testosterone. Why is your body focusing on things to make you a stronger more resilient man when the most challenging thing you do each day is the trek to the fridge? Get your butt off the couch and do something physical!

2.) Unplug frequently. We are all guilty of this. You need to unplug from technology at times. We were not designed to constantly be bombarded with what’s happening on every corner of the earth at all times all day. Most everything on the news is crap anyways.. Give your mind a break from consuming garbage and take a moment to just be by yourself and in the moment.

3.) Fight – Before im sued I need to clarify.. Fight with another willing person.. Don’t pick fights but train with other men. If you have no one else to train with work on a bag or shadow box. This here is the definition of what the left will tell you is a toxic trait. However, regardless of their feelings, Men were designed to be protectors. If you cant fight your way out of a Dorito bag the fact is you are what our ancestors would have referred to as a useless beta male.. You would have been lucky to make it passed 20. Not only does getting raw and fighting energize your masculine energy but taking a fighting or assertive stance in general has been scientifically proven by a study done at Harvard that it increases your testosterone.
There are so many more steps to reclaiming masculinity but these 3 I feel are a great step in the right direction. If you enjoyed this video please consider liking and subscribing to the channel.

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Love, Peace And Blessings To All 💙💙

#menenergy #MasculineEnergy #menpower #inspiration

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