"Cuz I like to work outside of space & time" ~Toresays

2 years ago

I'm not sure what shes referring to with the Queen bee analogy...

but I believe the lifting of the veil /the great awakening (that ToreSays IS socially engineering)

Is leading towards a biblical "Harvest of the Tares" but in a matrix kinda way.... and that analogy could fit that theory...

as do many other coincidences, except Tore/ Q says there are no coincidences 💚

The part about people hearing the voice of God/source... I think shes suggesting the use of V2K (Voice to Skull) technology to perhaps trick all these people who think they are channeling source, to then mislead all of their followers...

A big part of this operation is teaching us discernment... and that ESPECIALLY includes with all the red string "Truth" channels... they are intentionally given intentional disinfo so they pull their own pants down, for us to see...

I dont think they're all bad... but I know they are all part of the audience, and guessing at shit like me...

But Tore is something completely different all together... 💚

I dont think it matters if someone loves her or hates her... I do think she has a naturally polarizing frequency like Trump...

And the fact is, she literally wrote this script, and is game theorizing all of this out using looking glass combined with Quantum computing

....and she frequently implies that her mind IS the Quantum computer.

I'm as skeptical of everything as anyone... but after 2+ years of listening to her...

I dont doubt her anymore... hands down the most intriguing person on the internet... and she IS who started the Q op...

So IMO everyone is waiting on her to make a Q post, when she has 900+ 2 hour + shows that can all be decoded.

IJS ;)

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