A 'historically powerful' storm brings seas of up to 54 feet toward Alaska, NWS says

2 years ago

Alaska is bracing for dangerous weather as the remnants of Typhoon Merbok move toward the Bering Sea region. Forecasters predict that the storm, set to hit on Friday, could bring "potentially historical" flooding, with some coastal areas seeing water levels up to 11 feet higher than the normal high tide.

"Latest models show coastal surge higher than the November 2011 storm that brought significant flooding to the area," the National Weather Service forecasted early Friday morning, adding that the flooding could be "potentially historical."

"This is a dangerous storm that will produce widespread coastal flooding south of the Bering strait with water levels above those seen in nearly 50 years," the service said.

Power lines could be blown down, and roads and houses could flood as water levels are expected to be 3-8 feet higher than normal high tide marks, the agency said.

As the powerful storm's fierce winds push the sea ahead, storm surge will rival that of typical hurricane impacts. A surge of 8-11 feet is expected in Nome starting late Friday, with 9-13 feet of surge expected near Golovin and 12-18 feet of surge along the coast from Elim to Koyuk. The highest waters are expected Saturday.




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