2 years ago

Rand Paul backed the elf on the shelf. In the medical world, there is data out for a while. There is a new vaccine out that has only been tested on rats. Other countries have done a better job at data than the US. SAEs are out there and not only are they not sharing the information with the public but they aren’t sharing with the physicians. This is the NIH and CDC are covering up the information. Last week the CDC said they were not doing studies. They have admitted wrongdoing. Why were they not doing the studies that they said they were doing? In the EU they have released a study on young people having myocarditis after being vaccinated. Denmark is banning the vaccine for people under 50 years. The CDC needs to get the data out and stop covering up. The reports coming out of Israel are being suppressed. The people that need to be punished are the ones that are covering up.

In every aspect of medicine, you give people the risk and benefits. In this situation with COVID we were not giving the risks and benefits it is totalitarian, forcing you to get the shot.

We all have grandchildren, our medical industry has done an amazing job eradicating and controlling diseases. Mother’s take it very seriously in what shots the doctors are giving their kids. Now the COVID vaccine has increased vaccine hesitancy.

There was a standard of integrity and a time when people spoke the truth. And the standard way was surrounding yourself with the truth speakers. Now we have this thing going on where people are just saying what they need to say and making up excuses for lying about it. It is a different world where there are people in high places where they are lying and there aren’t any consequences for the lying. The level of trust is gone because lying is now ok. When people found out that you were lying your standard of living was interrupted drastically. Part of lying is covering up information especially when it harms people. There are countries where it is not legal to give this vaccine to children.

Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity and no one is even considering it. This past week Senator Rand Paul is not taking his foot off the neck of Dr. Fauci.

There is an article today in the Epoch Times, a lady was forced to adhere to the hospital protocols because she had COVID. The hospital changed the records of the patient from DNR to resuscitate. The hospitals get more money for a patient treatment with COVID. There was a perverse financial incentive to diagnose COVID. They have been lying to the patients about COVID

How do we get out of this world of lying? Somehow we need to reinforce or reinstate that lying is a career ending, friend ended relationship ending scenario. Fauci has been caught in so many lies and he is saying he will retire on his own time. NO this is not acceptable.

It concerns the kids that have been affected by the COVID pandemic. Most of the pediatricians that came out saying how back the treatment was going to be on the children from COVID and they were totally ignored. And now there is a study and we are acting like we were totally caught off guard. The people that are now looking at the data need to admit the issues and not continue the same procedures. And what needs to be done is studies to see if there is permanent loss of language skills because of the use of masks around children. And Fauci is not accountable for the side effects and the negative effects on children. Why is he not accountable for it?

What motivated Lindsey Graham to come out before an election and bring the abortion thing up. Where did the magic 15 week come up. And the democrats are saying see we told you it would be a national issue. There is a push to prove that democrats will not accept any ban. That a democrat will say it is a medical decision between the patient and their doctor. Lindsay Graham is trying to say that democrats will not give you any ban. Supposedly 15 weeks is when the fetus will feel pain. At 6 weeks the heartbeat will be detected. Graham is saying that most Americans will be ok with the ban at 15 weeks. This issue should be discussed in the states. WE have no concept of where life is or the concept of life. At the moment of conception there is a spark at the molecular level. What gives you the right to squash that. We are no longer worried about overpopulation. We are working in America and we are not producing like we should. We are under 2.1 kids per family. In China they have 120 men for every 100 women. There are 20 men that will never know what it is like to have a family. What will that do to a society?

Fetterman has a massive hump on the back of his neck. If someone is running for office they need to prove to the public they are fit to be office. There is a piece of history. At the end of Wilson's presidency he had a stroke and his wife was running the office. They aren’t addressing the issue if there is someone running the office due to the president not being capable. If you are aware the person is incapasitated to do the job and someone steps in to do the job. Where isn't anyone stepping forward and addressing the issue of Biden’s condition? We have a compromised president.

In Mar-a-Lago, the special master has stopped the DOJ. when the DOJ wanted to release their information in October. The special master will release the findings on November 30.

Hunter Biden is a smoke screen. To get the base whipped up.

Wyse has been influencing our elections for decades. And Podesta is back in the White House with ties to Wyse.

Serious folks need to go find the information and research for the information. And reject the liars.

Why isn’t the media not asking the questions of Biden like they did to Trump? Asking him questions everyday.

No one walks with their hands straight down and mouths open. Our president has dementia. There are ups and downs to dementia. There are moments when Joe is down, that is the reason for all the vacations. Why aren’t they doing anything about it?

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