Nigel Cheese's Quantum Battery - New Design at 490+ hours and still going & Update

2 years ago

This video is a bit of an update for anyone following this channel and what I'm working on. I go over a new design I built for the first time ~3 weeks ago and it is still going strong. This edges towards the "permanent quantum battery" I have been trying to work to, all essentially powered by water. I also do a little explaining about the different kinds of quantum batteries that can be built depending on the needs and context.

*My apologies if the audio is too quiet; if so please comment and I can boost it then re-upload. If the music is annoying let me know also. I can't fix that in this video but I can stop including it if it's too distracting. For those who like the music the artist is Township Rebellion, who I played regularly towards the end of my time DJ'ing*

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