Go Ballistic Not Just for Top Gun Part 3 of 4 Series Stall, Spin and Upset Recovery

2 years ago

Unusual attitude training begins with the prime directive, the first fundamental, job number one of piloting an airplane – Do not make the airplane stall. Stall recognition, stall recovery and stall avoidance is the commonality of upset and spin recovery. In this four part series, Jim Alsip Master CFI-Aerobatic presents the basics of airmanship and how to recover unusual attitudes. Part I deals with stalls; In Part II, a top rudder maneuver recovers nose low attitudes; going ballistic is the theme of Part III and everything comes together in the final Part IV – spin recovery.
The series should be watched in order 1 – 4.
When faced with a nose high unusual attitude, you should go ballistic with a zero g maneuver to avoid a stall/spin incident. Learn from this video and then try it. Going ballistic over the top is a hoot and a must have skill if you want to safely fly aerobatics.

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