The Value of One (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Soulwinning
July 31 2022

The Value of One
Text: Luke 15:3-10

Objective: to know how much is the value of soul, to appreciate it, and be encouraged in winning souls

value of one - song
the murmurings for the Pharisees sets up the scene
receiveth sinners
eateth with sinners

Two Parables have one message
1. the Problem - One was Lost among many - vv. 4, 8
a. one sheep among 99 others
b. one coin among 9 others
- the Lord is interested in the individual

2. the Process - Searching is made for the Lost
a. "go after" - "leave...", "until he find it"
b. "seek diligently" - "light a candle", "sweep the house", "till she find it"
- the Lord and His servants are thorough on winning souls

3. the Postscript - Celebration over the Recovery/Retrieval/Regain
a. Rejoicing in self
b. Rejoicing among friends and neighbors
c. Rejoicing in heaven
- all the trouble and hard work is worth it!


the Value one soul exceeds the treasure of the whole world! (Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:36)
the Lord values soul of men, each soul!
How much do we value them. Let's go winning souls!

Formerly: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission

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