KWR0025 – New Age Infiltration of the Church with Dr. Gregory Reid

2 years ago

Evangelical Christianity has made a powerful impact upon the world over its history. This has made Evangelicalism a target for the kingdom of darkness.

• Communists invaded the seminaries in the 1920s.
• Freemasons moved to leadership positions both locally and nationally.
• The New Age began invading in the last 1980s/early 1990s.
• Kabballah (the Jewish version of the Mystery Religions) has made many inroads over the past three decades.
• Questionable bible translations are now in widespread use in the Church and have tainted sound doctrine and weakened the spiritual life of the Body.

Dr. Gregory Reid: Director of YouthFire Ministries, he is a retired private investigator, criminal justice trainer on occult crimes, and is the author of three books: Trojan Horse: The New Age Corruption of the Evangelical Faith, War of the Ages: A Complete Scriptural Guide to Confronting and Defeating Satan’s Kingdom, and Nobody’s Angel: A Story of Satanic Abuse, Occult Bondage, and Redemption.

Dr. Michael Spaulding: The teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Upsidedown in America, more than ten other books, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live.

Dr. Michael K. Lake: Scholar-in-Residence at the Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly, best-selling author of The Shinar Directive, The Sheeriyth Imperative, and The Kingdom Priesthood, co-host with his wife Mary with the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing, and host of Biblical Life TV.

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