Evil...must be fought

2 years ago

Evil...must be fought!

Why do they hate us so much?

More Blah, Blah, Blah Bull crap for Biden. You can't say semi-fascist, just like you can't say someone is semi-pregnant.

The progressive way: If you disagree with them, they will destroy you. You are their enemy and must be destroyed.

Democrat talking point for the Media and Academia:

• We are at war with these people!
• We have to take these Mother----ers out!
• Some White people may have to die in order to be equal.
• In order to be liberated some White people may have to die.
• MAGA Republicans are semi-fascists.

Marxist/Democrats-- They Hate us, our God, our guns, our capitalism... They Hate Us.

We are going to have to fight the left some day.

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