Need to Know News (15 September 2022) with Carl Herman and Brian Davidson

2 years ago

Reports of an attempted assassination of Vladimir Putin are available from multiple sources, where he was in a decoy motorcade of which only a few security officers would have been aware. An explosion took place in the right wheel well of his armored vehicle and smoke came from the car, but he was driven to safety and unharmed. Three officials in the lead car may have been involved and arrests are also reported to have been made. Putin is the #1 target of the NWO, whose head has declared that he is their foremost enemy and that the NWO cannot succeed without Ukraine. Meanwhile, while Ukrainians appear to be all-but-certain of victory, the Russians may be luring them into a trap, which has been a tactic of the nation in historic battles of the past. Scott Ritter reports that not even NATO itself is a match for the Russians militarily, which we may expect to be borne out in the next week or less. The FBI continues its campaign of terrorism against Trump supporters, this time by surrounding Mike Lindell's car and seizing his cell phone, which he used to conduct the business of his companies. This all appears to be focused on the "alternative electors" plan to submit slates of Trump supporters in addition to those for Biden as a form of contesting the disputed election, where currently available evidence leaves no real room for doubt about its theft--even though (virtually) every paper and new report goes out of its way to declare such claims as "false" when they appear to be provably true. The Babylon Bee has published satires that are astoundingly accurate as diagnoses of what the nation is living through with the weaponization of the DOJ and of the FBI under Biden. The CDC Director has admitted the CDC was not.monitoring adverse reactions to the vax even though it was claiming that it was which was monstrous malfeasance and dereliction of duty thereby. There was no increase in death in any age group during the pandemic but huge increases once the vax was introduced. And children suffered educational losses when schools were closed and learning was done remotely, with little to no benefit to either teachers or students. And Govs. Abbott of TX and DeSantis of FL have done something politically brilliant by sending busses of illegal immigrants to the Vice President's home in Washington, DC, in the first instance, and two plane-loads to Martha's Vineyard in the second.

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